联系人:舒 女士 (销售工程师) |
电 话:021-51078336 |
手 机:18721815576 |
供应充电机CE认证/GOST认证 |
Shanghai Outao Testing Technology Service Co., Ltd is a joint venture which focuses on testing, authenticating and goods inspecting services for exporting products. General Manager of Outao is leading an excellent team to expand the market. Our head office locates at No. 165 Tianshan Rd. Changning District, Shanghai, and set branch offices in Beijing which is the capital of China, Xiamen and Xi’an City.
玩具安全指令 88/378/EEC Safety of toys
建材指令 89/106/EEC Construction products
个人防护指令 89/686/EEC Personal protective equipment
可植入医疗设备指令 90/385/EEC Active implantable medical devices
热水锅炉指令 92/42/EEC Hot-water boilers
医疗器械指令 93/42/EEC Medical devices
潜在爆炸性气氛中使用设备和防护装置--防爆认证ATEX 94/9/EC Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
娱乐游艇指令 94/25/EC Recreational craft
升降机指令-电梯指令 95/16/EC Lifts
船用设备指令 96/98/EC Marine Equipment
压力容器指令 97/23/EC Pressure equipment
体外诊断医疗器械指令 98/79/EC In vitro diagnostic medical devices
无线电及通讯设备终端指令 99/5/EC Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment
便携式压力容器指令 99/36/EC Transportable pressure equipment
户外设备噪音排放指令--噪音排放指令 2000/14/EC Noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
计量指令 2004/22/EC Measuring Instruments Directive
电磁兼容指令 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatibility
机械指令 2006/42/EC Machinery
低电压指令 2006/95/EC (ex-73/23/EEC) Low voltage directive
联系人:舒小姐 13764676485 |